Lets Talk About Privacy

LTAP is a multi-screen, interactive documentary application. It brings users into a highly interactive experience and expresses the knowledge of digital privacy and security.

2019 Spring


UX research; Ideation;
UIUX design; User testing;




We believe privacy and security are crutial for users everywhere in this digital era, and everyone should have basic knowledge to understand what they are carrying and using everyday, and that is  LTAP’s main aim. Using chat-based interface and interactive actions all way through, LTAP create an immersive and easy-to-use experience for different type users, allows them to understand the knowledge digitally and physically, through multiple devices.


The ideation we had is mostly related with chatting and agentive bot technology. The narrator in the documentary is acting as a chatting bot, which is able to give user indications on what they need to do in order to get engaged with the content in the documentary as well as providing more immersive experience.


The main goal of designing the whole experience user should be either following the immersive steps and commands the documentary provides and finish the whole process or challenging the idea the documentary provide and discover different divergences in the process. In the same time, user will be able to interact with the documentary not only through screen, but also physcial and environment.


There are two types of persona. One type of persona is the representation of the regular smart device users. The other type of persona is the representation of people familiar with digital devices.

Table of content

With all of the previous idea in mind, we tried to figure out the topics that have the most potential to fufill our goals.

So we seperated our topic into 4 main parts, which concludes a large amout of information from introducing to the topic, how the information been leaked and so on.

User Scenario:
How Properly Used Info Can Be Beneficial

So we choose the 4th topic to explain our main goal: the interaction between physical and digital world when we were creating our user scenarios. The user is able to make different divergency in the documentary process.

User Task 1: Understanding what benefits the services can provide whenthe user allows the access of location services.

User Task 2 :User communicate with bot and don’t want to follow the progress of the interactive documentary.

Lets Talk About Privacy

Final design


This is the landing page when you first open the app and then the topic menu will shown after you scroll down.

We seperated our topic into 4 main parts to fullfill our goal, which concludes a large amout of information from introducing to the topic, how the information been leaked, how to protect privacy and proper use of personal information in design.

Topic 1: Why Privacy Matters

In this section, the user will learn why their online privacy and security matters. The narrator will lead the user to go through different places on their digital devices and suggest where sensitive information is stored.

Topic 2: How Persona Data is Leaked

Topic 2 introduces the users to the backstories about how their information is leaked. LTAP will utilize the device's built-in privacy restriction to demonstrate how these different granted accesses will lead to various potential security risks. Personal information is not only leaked on the devices themselves but also leaked on the internet. The narrator will lead the user to see whether their online accounts are facing security breaches.

Topic 3: How to Protect Personal Info

After understanding some fundamental knowledge about online privacy and security, the users will be lead through different parts where the narrator demonstrates how the user can increase their information security, including password strength test and decoding.

Topic 4: How Properly Used Info Can Be Beneficial

The narrator will let the user experience what convenience different services can bring if personal data is utilized properly. The user will experience it in the real world by visiting a nearby grocery store.

Visual Style

Logo Design

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