Revamping Checkout Counter in the TikTok Business Platform

Enhanced the checkout experience to enhance efficiency and payment success rate, resulting in a 16.5% increase in users' payment success rate and a 2.6% boost in product conversion rate.

July-August 2021


Main designer (me)
Design lead, engineers, PMs, and QAs


UX research; UIUX design;
User testing


Figma; Lark

TikTok plans to redesign the checkout counter to encourage users to save their payment methods, aiming to boost future transaction efficiency and increase the payment success rate.
Scope & Deliverable

Based on user research and competitive analysis, we aim to redesign the checkout counter, including the checkout and card management pages, and ship the new design version within 3 weeks.


After launch the new design, we saw a 16.5% increase in users' payment success rate and a 2.6% boost in product conversion rate.

📄 Discover from data

A new PayPal Reference Transaction method has been introduced, but user adoption rate is pretty low.

PayPal Reference Transaction is a transaction that you initiate through an established contract with the payer and from which you can derive subsequent payments.

Bound bank cards have a 15% higher success rate than new cards.

From the data I get from PM, I discoverd the daily success rate for saved payments is 15% higher than one-time payments

🎯 Design Goal

Encourage users to save and utilize saved payment methods to enhance transaction efficiency, resulting in increased payment success rates and product conversion rates.


The redesigned cashout counter should be scalable and flexible to accommodate all our support 30+ regions, each with different payment methods.


The new design should feel familiar to customers. Since payment is a crucial step for both the customer and our platform, it shouldn't require extra time for them to learn how to use it.

Easy to Build

Since we have very limited time to ship this redesign, the solution should be easy for the engineering team to implement without requiring a significant overhaul.

📊 Synthesize problems with stakeholders & users

Clarity, Consistency, and Overload Issues inCheckout & Card management pages Across All Platforms.

"I didn't realize I could save my payment methods, especially my PayPal account. Every time I checkout, I have to enter my details again, which is really inconvenient. It would be great if there was a clear option to save my information for future purchases.."

- Advertiser (user)

🧪After experience 8+ competitive products

Most products disclose only the saved payment methods. Additional payment methods are presented as secondary folded content.

This approach clarifies the distinction between saved and new/one-time payment methods, reducing user confusion between these categories.

🤔️ Iteration Strategy

✅ Achievements

What did I learn through this intern experience?

Embrace complexity with simplicity in B2B products

In B2B settings, things can get complex with intricate processes, extensive data, and various stakeholders. Users have unique roles and goals within their organizations.

As a UX designer, our goal is to help user simplify complex process, brake down tasks into manageable steps and focusing on  creating intuitive and streamlined user interfaces that help users navigate through intricate workflows effortlessly.

Express yourself proactively

Working with a diverse and large group for the first time was initially challenging during my internship. I struggled with deciding between various options. However, I came to understand that the UI/UX design process is all about sharing, communicating, and testing.

I learned the importance of proactively expressing my ideas, sharing my work with colleagues, and seeking feedback. Often, individuals with fresh perspectives can identify unique details that we might overlook.

Rapid learning & adaptation

As a newcomer at ByteDance, it's crucial to quickly familiarize ourselves with the various toolsets and design workflows in place.

In my role as a UX designer, collaboration with colleagues from different departments is a fundamental aspect of our work. To ensure successful integration into the company culture and team dynamics, it's essential to proactively adapt and engage with our environment. Consistent and effective communication with our colleagues is key to fostering strong working relationships that will facilitate future collaborations.

Lots of thanks to the lovely team!

TikTok international monetization products Shanghai group

Thanks for

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